The suitcase


What’s in a suitcase

Just as each person with Down syndrome is unique, each ‘premiers pas’ suitcase contains a unique selection of beautiful gifts for the baby and the parents.

Booklets with everything you didn't know about life with a twist, breastfeeding, useful contacts and much more.


An “extra-ordinary” journey

When parents-to-be have a baby, it's like planning a holiday.

A holiday to the beach that they have always dreamed of taking and that they will finally be able to do. They start to research, they imagine themselves visiting the most beautiful places. They made wonderful plans, and envisaged walks along the shore. This long dream is very pleasing.

Finally, the big day arrives, the suitcase is ready. However, several hours later, the road is cut off. They found themselves on a path that entered a forest. They were welcomed to the mountains.

Astonishment! To the mountains? But it was supposed to lead to the sea. This was not the destination they had dreamed of, their suitcase was not prepared for that destination!

If they are lost, too scared, too sad that they have never been to the beach, then they may not have the opportunity to enjoy all that is special and wonderful about the mountains.

Although it takes them a little while, step by step, they will probably start to think that the destination is not so bad - it's just different.

So, this suitcase has been designed to guide and support parents as they take a new step, a new road. We would like to provide them with a suitcase to accompany them on each of their first steps that will make up this "extra-ordinary" journey.


Pre- post- natal booklet in four languages

A wonderful booklet written by the parents of children with Down syndrome from the Swiss Italian region and Avventuno.

It’s one small booklet in four languages (Italian, English, French and German). Download or contact us for free copies.

Written from the heart with optimism and joy!

Premiers pas

A flyer explaining everything about Premiers pas in 4 languages.

Download or contact us for free copies.